Daycare for Older People

Respond supports people to remain living independently in their own homes and in their community for as long as possible by providing quality local Day Care services for older people.

It is widely accepted that older people want to continue to live in their own home throughout their lives with confidence, security and dignity.  Day care provides a regular care option outside the home, where clients can socialise with peers and contribute to their community. As social isolation is a major contributor to poor mental health, day care is a vital tool to combat loneliness in this vulnerable age group.

The individual client and their needs are at the heart of the services we provide. We work closely with Primary Care Teams, Public Health Nurses (PHNs), General Practitioners (GPs), Social Workers and Mental Health Teams to provide holistic and integrated care. Additionally, we support our clients and their families by providing community support initiatives relating to home security, healthy eating and mental health.

The Day Care services we provide are local and community based, providing nursing care and social support, health monitoring, activities, meals for clients and short-term but regular respite for often stressed and fatigued family carers. Our Day care services provide a host of basic and additional integrated services, offering improved value for money and a low cost option, vital for future service planning in the face of a demographically growing older population and limited public funding reserves.