How do I become a Respond Tenant?

Social Housing

Respond offer a wide range of social housing across Ireland. Tenants are assigned to our Social Housing by their Local Authorities

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Cost Rental

Respond is proud to offer cost rental housing to the public rental market. This new rental option is supported by the Department of Housing, Local Government, and Heritage

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While we aim to deliver high quality homes where there will be few repairs, it is likely that you may need to contact us from time to time to request a repair at some time. Respond aim to provide a customer centred and quick response when repairs arise.

If you do need to report a repair in your home you can check your tenant handbook to see if it is a tenant or a Respond responsibility. This will help us to ensure we attend quickly to all repairs we are responsible for.

Who’s Responsible

The repair and maintenance of our properties is the joint responsibility of both the tenant and Respond. As a general rule, you as Tenant are responsible for internal repairs and garden maintenance. Respond is responsible for structural repairs. Examples of tenant responsibility are blocked drains, broken glass and wear & tear. Examples of Respond responsibility are leaks, heating and common area repairs.

Logging repairs

Respond are committed to providing a number of options for you when you need to log a repair. This is to ensure you have a choice and can report the issue in a way that is most convenient for you.

Contact Us

By Phone

If you would like to speak to a member of our customer service team you can contact us on 051 840200 and we will log the repair for you


Outside of office hours

If an emergency repair is needed you can speak to our out of hours dedicated team by calling 051 840200 and pressing option 2.


Self Service

When reporting a maintenance issue you can log into your online tenant’s portal using your username and password, click on my repairs account and click on ‘fill out’ form.


Reporting issues

All tenant issues can be reported on our main telephone lines 051 840200 or 01 8087700


Alternatively for non-emergency issues please contact us and a member of our customer service team will be in touch.

Contact Us

Request callback

By Phone

051 840200 or 01 8087700


By email


Opening Hours

8:30 to 17:45 Mon-Thur
8:30 to 16:45 Friday


Out of hours contact number

051 840200 or 01 8087700 (press option 2)

Tenant Annual Rent Review

Every year, Respond carry out a ‘rent review’ when we ask you to check and update your income details. We need your latest income information so we can calculate the right amount for your weekly rent. If there are any changes in how much rent you need to pay, these will start from July 2024.

View Tenant Annual Rent Review


This handbook provides you with some information about being a Respond tenant and how we will support you in your tenancy. It also clarifies the responsibilities of Respond as your landlord, and you as our tenant.

Download Tenant Handbook


As an Approved housing Body, Respond do not have a waiting list for applicant seeking social housing. If you would like to become a Respond tenant, you should make sure you are approved for social housing with your local authority. The local authority will nominate applicants to Respond when we have a home available.

As an Approved housing Body, Respond do not have a waiting list for applicant seeking social housing. If you would like to become a Respond tenant, you should make sure you are approved for social housing with your local authority. The local authority will nominate applicants to Respond when we have a home available. 


To apply for cost rental applications please visit our cost rental page for open schemes:

Cost Rental

Respond offer a number of ways to pay your rent.  

  • Pay your rent through our online payment system  
  • Household Budget Scheme (direct weekly deductions from social welfare payment).  
  • Standing Order (payment direct from your bank account). 
  • Through An Post with a Respond payment card.

Your rent is calculated using the relevant differential rent scheme applied to your estate. If you require a copy or details of the local authority policy applicable to you please contact our customer service team. 

This means that your rent is calculated by looking at the amount of income coming into your household and the makeup of your household which includes the number of people/children/dependents etc. 

The Respond rent year starts from the first Monday in July and runs for 52 weeks until the beginning of the following July. Your rent is calculated based on the net income of the household plus a charge for additional adults (subsidiary earners) residing in the house. This policy applies to Respond CLSS tenancies only. 

Net income is wages received after taxes (PAYE, PRSI, USC), plus any payments from the HSE or Department of Social Welfare (except for Child Benefit and listed disregards) plus any other income e.g.  work pension, maintenance payments. 

Household income is the total income of all persons aged 18 years or over residing in the home, who is not a child of the Tenant or the Joint Tenant or the Spouse of the Tenant or the Partner of the Tenant. 

Income from the following sources is disregarded:
Children’s Allowances, Scholarships / Higher Education Grants or payments to students attending an outreach programme, Fuel Allowance, Living Alone Allowance, “Half-Rate” Carer’s Allowance, Domiciliary Care Allowance, Foster Care Allowance. 

Income from the following sources is calculated as the basic relevant social welfare rate:
Carers Allowance, Community Employment scheme, Back to Work scheme, Jobs-bridge scheme, Internships, TÙS scheme. Where the income details submitted are less than the minimum Social Welfare entitlement for the household, the rent will be assessed on the basis of basic social welfare entitlements. 

Rent Calculation 

A minimum rent of €15.00 applies to the first €100 of Household income per week 

– Plus – 

Rent is calculated at the rate of 20 cent per €1 (20%) on any Household income in excess of €100 per week, 

– Less – 

A deduction of €1 for each child under the age of 18 living in the household. 

The capped rent charge (including the €15 minimum rent above) is €100 per week 

– Plus – 

An additional charge of €15 per week for each person aged over 18 years living in the household (subsidiary earner), who has not been included in the household income calculation above. This additional charge will not apply to a person under the age of 23 in full time education. The maximum additional charge for subsidiary earners is €30 (i.e. 2 persons x €15). 

Maximum and Minimum Rent
The minimum rent payable is €15 per week. The capped rent payable in total, in respect of household income and subsidiary earners is €130 per week i.e. €100 (household income rent) + €30 (for maximum of 2 subsidiary earners, i.e. 2 x €15). If service charges are applicable to your estate these will be considered additional charges. 

Service Charges
In some Respond properties (usually apartments) an additional Service Charge will apply.  This covers the cost of maintaining the communal areas, grounds, lifts, refuse collection etc. The Service Charge is based on the costs of running the scheme and will therefore vary between different properties. Our Resident Support Worker will be able to advise you of local charges. 

In order for us to assess your rent for the relevant year we require details of your household income, this includes details of everyone residing in your property, including their date of birth and PPS number.  Evidence from the college or institution must be provided for all persons aged over 18 and under 23 in full time education. If we do not receive this information your rent will be set at €120 in respect of household income only. It is a requirement of your letting conditions to provide this information on an annual basis. 

Cases of Hardship
In exceptional circumstances where payment of a rent calculated under the terms above would, in the opinion of the Company give rise to hardship, the Company may agree to accept a lesser sum from a tenant for a specified period. 

Respond rents are calculated with reference to the provisions of the Department of Environment, Community & Local Government, Capital Funding Schemes for the Provision of Rental Accommodation by Approved Housing Bodies (Voluntary & Co-Operative Housing) Memorandum: VHU2/02, May 2002.


Respond Housing Association issues rent statements to residents every 3 months. If you have an issue with anything on your quarterly rent statement, please contact our Rent Department on 051 840200. It is important to keep all rent statements, as well as any receipts you are given, bank statements etc. 

You can also check your account online by visiting TIPS (Tenant Information Portal System) at  This allows you view an updated list of all rent charges and payments on your account.  To use TIPS you will need your 6-digit account number (starting with the numbers 91xxxx or 92xxxx) and password.  Please contact your Resident Support Worker if you need any assistance using this facility.

We carry out an annual rent review during which time we reassess your financial circumstances. It is important that you return all relevant income documentation to us so that we can complete a rent re-assessment. If your financial circumstances change dramatically during the year, you should contact our customer service team to let them know, as well as supplying them with your income documentation. 

You are breaching the terms of your tenancy agreement if you pay your rent late. If you are experiencing financial difficulties, please contact us immediately. Confidential advice and assistance is available from our staff who will do all they can to assist you. 

Depending on the level of arrears, the following may occur: 

  • Our staff will offer advice on how to manage your debt and overall household budgeting or we may refer you to the Money and Advice Budgeting Service 
  • We will establish a repayment plan with you that will help to clear the rent arrears 
  • A “Notice to Quit” or NTQ may be issued to you 
  • Court action may result