With the number of families experiencing homelessness reaching record levels, Respond Childcare Centre Stepping Stones located at Rowen Heights, Drogheda, Co Louth, wanted to offer their support to local agencies that care for families who are experiencing homelessness.
Stepping Stones Childcare Centre, working in partnership with parents and children organised an appeal for the Homeless. All parents and children got involved and donated what they could. The response was unbelievable, with donation boxes full within a couple of days!
Childcare Leader Laura Fernandez Garcia commented:
“It’s amazing what can be achieved when everyone works together for a common purpose”.
This activity provided a fantastic exploring and thinking learning experience for the children, as it created an opportunity to learn about their community and social inclusion. After much discussion, the children decided to make some special bags, or “care packages” to give to the families.
100% of donations will go directly to Drogheda Homeless Aid.
The care packages included items such as baby wipes, soups, water, biscuits, toothbrushes and toothpaste… The children had a great time putting the packs together all by themselves and were extremely proud to be able to help the community.
If you require any further information about Stepping Stones, please contact Laura on 041-9835444 or email rowanheightscc@respond.ie.
Posted: March 2016 by Laura Fernandez Garcia Childcare Leader in Stepping Stones Early Learning Centre in Drogheda