Social Inclusion Week taking place in Galway 13th – 19th October 2014

The purpose of Social Inclusion Week is to highlight and create more awareness of people..

The purpose of Social Inclusion Week is to highlight and create more awareness of people who may be excluded from taking a full and active role in society and their community. It’s also an opportunity to celebrate and promote the work that community groups are involved in.

The week was officially launched on Monday 13th October by the Cathaoirleach of the County of Galway Cllr. Mary Hoade.

There are over 50 events happening all around County Galway this year. A copy of the programme is available here Social Inclusion Week 2014 Brochure

Respond is hosting:“Come on down memory lane with a sing along!”
which is taking place on the 16th October 2014 at 1:30 to 4:00 in the Blue Room at Respond Ard na Mara, Oranmore

The event involves an inclusive afternoon of singing songs that we all remember (or not!). Come along to listen, share your memories and tap your toes! This event is open to all who want to share a tune, a few memories and even a cuppa or two!

This event has been organised by Active in Age Oranmore, Respond Housing Association, Galway County Community Forum, Galway Age Friendly Older Persons’ Council and Brothers’ of Charity Orchard Centre Gort. The focus of inclusiveness is on older people holding a joint event with people with learning difficulties from Brothers of Charity Orchard Centre, Gort. In addition a focus will be on residents of Respond Social Housing and users of Primary Health Care Services through the Public Health Nurse targeting of individuals.

Another Respond event: “Estate Planting: Sustainable & Environmentally Friendly Planting”
is taking place in the 15th October 2014 between 5pm – 7pm

Venue: Respond Community Building, Meadowbrook Court, St Laurences’ Fields, Loughrea. Meadowbrook Court and St Laurences’ Fields residents are invited to take part in a workshop on the planning and planting of communal areas in their estate.

A focus will be on identifying and sourcing environmentally friendly flowers, plants, birdhouses and trees which contribute to the principles of sustainability and bio-diversity.

For more details please contact: Fiona Blaney on 0818357901or email