This national conference jointly hosted by the School of Applied Social Studies, University College Cork and Respond Housing Association brings together a range of national and international experts to explore innovative responses to the challenges posed by social isolation and loneliness. This conference will be of interest to policy makers, service providers, community and voluntary organisations, the ICT sector, and students and practitioners in the social professions.
This half day conference is essentially a follow on to the highly successful “Responding to Isolation & Loneliness: Housing and Community Perspectives” conference which took place in November 2015 at the same venue.
There will also be a number of information stands present on the day representing various Statutory, Community, Voluntary agencies as well as IT firms in this sector.
There is no charge for this conference but you must reserve a place by contacting Philip O’Reilly on (051) 840204 or
There will be a light lunch served in the Hub Café in John’s College following the conference.