May Morrissey, a Respond resident in Airmount, Waterford recently made an appearance on the popular RTE Programme Nationwide as part of a feature on the Waterford Contact Project.
To view clip aired on Nationwide in February please click here.
The Waterford Contact Project was set up by Saint Brigid’s Family and Community Centre with support from a number of partner agencies including Respond to counteract loneliness and social isolation among older people in Waterford City.
The service offers invaluable support to older people in their own homes through the provision of volunteer visitors or befrienders. The home visitors call on an older person at their request once per week for 1-2 hours to provide company and social interaction.
The Project also provides support to the older people through referral to relevant services if necessary as well as providing options for older people to become involved in local community activities. May Morrissey along with a number of other Respond tenants have availed of and benefitted from this excellent service which enables and empowers older people to remain in their own homes living independently for as long as possible.