Respond not-for- profit Housing Association provided an update on work they are doing to deliver social housing in the Donegal region as Minister Eoghan Murphy opens new social housing schemes in the area today 11.01.2019.
Niamh Randall, Head of Advocacy and Communications with Respond commenting on developments in Donegal said:
“It is welcome to hear the announcement of new Social Housing Schemes in the Donegal area by Minister Eoghan Murphy today. We in Respond Housing are also playing our part with plans for 121 units in Donegal working in collaboration with Donegal County Council and the Department of Housing, Community and Local Government, 33 of which are already under construction at Ballaghderg. In addition, we already own 92 homes in the area.”
“Every day Respond Housing provides housing and homeless services to over 8,000 residents in lifetime homes and supported accommodation to over 100 families experiencing homelessness in hubs. We are on site in 11 different locations in Ireland building over 479 new social homes. This is only the beginning of our development plans, which truly took off last year, and we will deliver at least 2,500 new social homes over the next 5 years with investment in excess of €500 million.”
Niamh Randall, Head of Advocacy and Communications with Respond commenting on development on the work of Respond Housing said:
“We are proactively responding to the housing and homelessness crisis Ireland currently faces by providing real on-the-ground solutions. We know how important a secure home is to the quality of life of individuals and families and we see first-hand the devastating impact of homelessness in our holistic work with families who are homeless. We are working proactively to identify ways to support people out of homelessness and into more permanent and secure housing. Our long term aim is to provide lifetime social and affordable homes to a far greater proportion of the population, bringing Ireland more into line with our European neighbours where people from all walks of life live in housing association developments side by side”.
For further comment contact:
Niamh Randall, Head of Advocacy and Communications
PH: 085 8588384