Respond delighted to be named as chosen charity by The Fitzwilton Hotel

Photo L to R :  Geoff Dawson, Sales & Marketing Manager, Fitzwilton Hotel Waterford City..

Fitzwilton Respond cheque presentation V5 (2)Photo L to R :  Geoff Dawson, Sales & Marketing Manager, Fitzwilton Hotel Waterford City with Ned Brennan, Chief Operations Officer, Respond Housing Association, Waterford.

Respond was delighted to have been named as one of the three chosen charities to benefit from the Fitzwilton Hotels generosity in January 2015. The two other named charities are Children’s Group Link and the Hospice.

Geoff Dawson for the Fitzwilton Hotel presented the cheque to Ned Brennan from Respond on Tuesday 27th January at our head-office in Airmount, Waterford.

Respond is thankful to the Fitzwilton Hotel for its kind donation of €500.00 which will be directed towards the development of services, such as day support services for older persons, at St Johns College, located on Johns’ Hill, Waterford.

Respond is currently in the process of transforming the old seminary into 21 self-contained apartments for older persons. This donation is timely as it coincides with a major fundraising initiative towards the development of services at these apartments,  which Respond hopes to open in the  Spring of 2016.

Posted: January 2015