Respond approves plans to build 2,906 new homes across large-scale mixed-tenure developments in Dublin
Respond’s board of directors has agreed to move forward with several new home-building construction projects in Dublin that will deliver 2,906 new social and cost rental homes upon completion.
The new large-scale mixed-tenure developments will be located throughout Dublin, including sites in Charlestown (590 homes), Tallaght (502 homes), Clonburris (318 homes), and Donaghmede (397 homes).
The developments will be the first large-scale mixed-tenure schemes delivered by an Approved Housing Body (AHB) in Ireland, with the first homes completed by September 2024. With 1,508 homes already in construction, this will bring the number of homes Respond currently has in construction to 4,414, expanding the value of its construction programme over the next 12 months to €2bn.
The large-scale mixed-tenure schemes will feature an approximately 50:50 split between cost rental and social homes. A total of 1,378 new cost rental homes will be delivered, increasing Respond’s cost rental housing stock to 1,896. Last month Respond received 575 applications for 13 new cost-rental homes in Swords in just three days, emphasising the high demand for such secure, affordable homes.
Niamh Randall, national spokesperson for Respond:
“This is a landmark moment not just for Respond but for the future of housing in Ireland. These mixed tenure developments are a testament to our commitment to creating diverse, inclusive communities. By integrating social and cost rental homes, Respond aims to build vibrant neighbourhoods that will enhance the quality of life for all tenants and the wider community that benefits all tenants. Respond has over 40 years of experience in building homes and communities and our staff have a wide range of expertise from architects, quantity surveyors, planners, construction and project managers to housing management and the delivery of services within communities.”
“We are only able to deliver on these homes with the partnership and support of Local Authorities, the Department of Housing, Local Government and Heritage, the Housing Finance Agency and the Housing Agency. In addition, we are very proud to be working with a number of leading developers and Tier One contractors to build these homes, including Cairn Homes (Charlestown and Clonburris developments), Bluemont Developments (Hole in the Wall Road, Donaghmede development), Ardstone Homes and Walls Construction (Airton Road, Tallaght development). This initiative is a step towards alleviating the housing crisis in Ireland, providing secure, affordable housing options for thousands of individuals and families. Respond’s commitment to quality housing management and community integration stands at the forefront of this project, ensuring that these new developments will be more than just houses – they will be homes in true, thriving communities.”
Darragh O’Brien, T.D., Minister for Housing, Local Government and Heritage:
“We are delighted to support Respond in building 2,906 new homes across Dublin. We share commitment to addressing Ireland’s housing needs through innovative, sustainable solutions. Respond’s construction-led approach, particularly in these large-scale mixed-tenure developments, sets a new standard in housing provision in Ireland. Their focus on creating not just homes but communities, resonates with our Housing for All plan which seeks a future where every citizen has access to quality, affordable housing. The Government is committed to supporting and collaborating with organisations like Respond, who are at the forefront of tackling our housing challenges and making a tangible difference in the lives of thousands of people.”
Concerning Respond’s urban village placemaking approach, Niamh Randall added:
“Working from an urban village placemaking approach, these large-scale developments will have Respond staff based on site. The role of the housing team in Respond is to provide a high level, professional service to our tenants. We have been working with the Centre for Effective Services, developing a new housing management service to tenants and support the building of communities. Our work in these communities will include tenant engagement and tailored supports, developing and improving public spaces, fostering a sense of identity and community connection, and local business and stakeholder engagement. These are lifetime homes and Respond has a long term commitment not only to the tenants but also to the wider communities around them”.
Notes to editor:
This ambitious project will see the construction of a mix of social and cost rental homes across several key locations*including:
*Not all locations can be named at this time.
About Respond
Respond, a construction-led Approved Housing Body and service provider, has been working all around Ireland for over 40 years. Our vision is that every family and individual in Ireland will have high‐quality housing as part of a vibrant and caring community. Housing and decent accommodation, in the areas where people want to live, are central to improving people’s lives and enhancing the health and well‐being of society.
16,541 tenants live in 7,084 properties across the 26 counties that we either own or manage; of these, there are 6,264 Respond social housing tenancies. Respond also provide a range of services for families and individuals within our communities. This includes emergency accommodation with 24/7 support for families who are homeless in six Family Homeless Services, three Day Care Services for Older People, 17 Early Childhood Care and Education, Family Support and Refugee Resettlement services. We provide person centred services to support people to achieve their goals and reach their full potential.
About Respond’s urban village placemaking approach
Respond’s urban village placemaking approach focuses on creating small, integrated neighbourhoods within larger urban areas. These “urban villages” are designed to be pedestrian-friendly, diverse and self-contained, with a mix of residential, commercial, and public spaces. The key characteristics include:
Respond is a member of the Housing Alliance, the collaboration of 6 of Ireland’s largest Approved Housing bodies (AHBs). The Housing Alliance’s purpose is to work with Government and Local Authorities to promote the delivery of social and affordable homes, address barriers to delivery and advocate strongly for responsible, professional housing management. In 2022 our 6 not-for-profit members delivered more than 4,000 of Ireland’s voluntary housing stock delivered that year