Congratulations to An Garran Mountrath estate which was part of the Kiln Lane entry in the IPB All Island Pride of Place competition. It was announced early December 2017 at the Gala awards ceremony in Donegal that Kiln Lane Estates won the Main Competition- Housing Estate category. It was commented upon that the judges were immensely impressed with the wonderful colour in the floral displays and flowerbeds, the neat and tidy grassed areas, open spaces and the absence of litter”
It’s great to see that after months of preparation and investment from Residents and the significant collaboration of Respond Laois County Council and Laois Partnership Company has been clearly recognised by the judges.
There was a great buzz in Mounrath in July for the judging of the All Island Pride of Place. The estate has been nominated by Laois County Council for the competition.
The estate comprises of Local Authority, Cluid housing, Private and Respond housing. It is a positive example of an integrated estate working together with a lot of support from Laois Partnership.
Well done to all the residents supported by Respond Resident Support Worker Jason Delaney.
Post update : December 2017