Parent and Toddler Group – Longford

The parent and toddler group takes place very Tuesday in Townparks Community building, Longford from..

parent and toddler group LongfordThe parent and toddler group takes place very Tuesday in Townparks Community building, Longford from 11.30-1pm.

This group was formed as a meeting point for parents and their children to get to know each other firstly, and then share experiences and information, build a peer support network and for learning about the importance of play and much more. Activities include, arts and crafts, dancing, painting, free play, games and  tea and coffee is aplenty!

Since the group began in September 2014 it has grown from strength to strength and now we have ten parents and children affiliated to the group and we are always looking for more recruits!

If you would like to join this fun supportive group or would like further informtion on other groups in Townspark or family support queries please do not hesitate in contacting Jillian Gillick, Respond Family Support Worker on 0872671634

Posted – December 2014