Respond childcare professionals launched the new Respond childcare policies at two different locations during April. The launch brought Childcare Managers/Leaders from over twenty Respond Childcare Centres nationally together to share their expertise.
The Respond Child Care Policies and Procedures Manual is aimed at Child Care Leaders and staff based in Community Buildings on Respond estates. It is intended to serve as a working document and will be updated to take account of changes in legislation. It will also form the basis of training and induction materials for new staff in child care.
Better Start training was also given at the launch as part of the Managers continued professional development. Better Start is a national initiative established by the Department of Children and Youth Affairs (DCYA) to bring an integrated national approach to developing quality in Early Years Education and Care (ECEC) for children aged from birth to six years in Ireland. It will coordinate and extend the wide-ranging choice of supports and services already provided through City and County Childcare Committees and Voluntary Childcare Organisations. This new initiative will provide a specialist on-site mentoring service. Mandatory Child Protection Training was also included as part of these full day of activities training and information provision.
Posted: April 2016