Respond’s Nethercross Day Centre, located at Tolka Valley Finglas, held an open-day in 22nd April.
Nethercross has provided a lively social haven for people within the local community and essential service for older people in the greater community for the last nine years. The ‘open-day’ provided an ideal opportunity for family friends and neighbors to visit the newly decorated facility where tours were conducted throughout the morning.
The Day Centers bright new ‘look’ was totally funded by public contributions and Nethercross is very grateful to the people for their excellent fundraising efforts including Breda Scanlon for her hair-raising head-shave, The Cardiff Pub for their continued support and to all our clients who support our raffles.
Every day attendees at Nethercross enjoy a happy environment and take part in a large range of outing and activities including bingo, arts and crafts, musical entertainment, activation games etc. The Centre also provides chiropody, optician and hairdressing services.
David Doran Centre Manager at Nethercross stated that:
“Respond is delighted to work in partnership with TUS and would like to thank John Caffrey for designing and contributing three months of volunteering work designing and decorating the Centre”.
Respond has three Day Centres throughout the country which provide activation programmes based on participants personal profiles and service plans. Respond works very closely with the HSE and HIQA to ensure best practice and the highest standards are met at their Day Care Centres, which are located at the carer-led service at Nethercross Day Centre, Tolka Valley, Finglas and two nurse-led services located at St. Francis Day Centre, Blackpool, Cork and La Verna Day Centre, Baldoyle.
Posted: April 2015