Photo: Pictured receiving a special award for their participation in the IPB Pride of Place competition at the recent Fingal Community Person of the Year Awards is Paul Reid Fingal County Council Chief Executive, Deirdre Costello Mulhuddart Community Centre Manager, Mayor of Fingal Cllr Mags Murray, Rose Emmet Mulhuddart Resident & Community Activist, Aisling Flynn Resident Support Worker Respond and Mary Kennedy RTE Presenter and Journalist . (Photo by Kevin Mcfeely)
We are delighted to announce that Mulhuddart in Dublin 15 won an IPB National Pride of Place award in its category at the 2014 award ceremony held in Ennis on 15th November last. Respond played a key role in the work which led to receiving this great honour. The Parnell Estate was one of just two housing estates in the Mulhuddart area which formed part of the judging for this award which took place in late July this year.
IPB Pride of Place is an all-island competition that acknowledges the work that communities are doing all over the island of Ireland.The competition focus is about people coming together to shape, change and improve daily lives in their communities (
Mulhuddart obtained first place in the category “Small Urban District” and the focus of the competition this year was a portrayal of how local housing estates integrate and form links with the wider local community. Parnell was selected by the organising committee because of it’s central location in the Mulhuddart community and how it actively links in with local services and groups.
On judging day, the judges were given a tour of the estate followed by a presentation at our community building. The judges were introduced by Respond staff to The Daughters of Charity service who run a Community Hub from Respond’s community building in Parnell. This hub forms the base from which local young people who have an intellectual disability link in with the wider community in terms of employment, training and socialising. The judges also met with service user Niall Harte who bases himself in Respond’s community building and Niall also works in the Mulhuddart Community Centre which was another project centre visited by the judges. It was these links within the community that were highlighted as part of Mulhuddart’s entry into the competition.
The award is a great honour for Mulhuddart and for Parnell and goes to the heart of the development of local community work, to which Respond staff and residents are committed.
Posted : December 2014