Minister Zappone officially opens the Respond Family Hub in Tallaght

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Dr. Katherine Zappone TD  officially opened the Respond Family..

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Dr. Katherine Zappone TD  officially opened the Respond Family Hub in Tallaght, Co. Dublin on 10th November 2017.

Video filmed at the Family Hub – Tallaght launch can be found here

The facility has capacity for 9 families where 7 families have their own apartments with 2 families sharing a kitchen in adjoining apartments. The Tallaght Family Hub has seen 9 families with 24 children move into homes of their own


Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Dr. Katherine Zappone, speaking at the launch of the Respond Family Hub in Tallaght

Overall figures show that 50 families have moved into homes of their own from 5 Family Hubs in Dublin.

The average stay in for families in the Respond Family Hubs has been 7 months and 8 days – 9 months in Tallaght and 5.5 months in High Park.

Minister for Children and Youth Affairs, Dr. Katherine Zappone TD said:

“Respond Family Hubs are caring new model of accommodation which includes a range of wrap-around services to help families be in a better position to move to secure housing in the short term. I am happy to see that every family here has a key worker and support plans which are developed with every resident based on their own individual need.


Ellie and Kayleigh Foster speaking at the launch

This supported temporary accommodation is designed to be as close to a home as possible and to ensure that every child and adult leaves in a better position than when they arrived”.


Respond CEO Declan Dunne, Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Dr. Katherine Zappone and Respond Board of Directors Chairman John O Connor.

CEO of Respond Housing Declan Dunne said:

“I am glad to report that 23 families including 47 children have moved out of our Family Hubs and into homes of their own. The overall figure of 50 families in Hubs supported by the Dublin Region Homeless Executive is a credible outcome from a new model first launched only 7 months ago. Together we can aim to continually improve the Family Hub model to ensure that all families who currently find themselves homeless have the homes they truly want, need and deserve as soon as possible.


Family Hub Manager Hilary Francis with Minister for Children and Youth Affairs Dr. Katherine Zappone at the launch of the Respond Family Hub in Tallaght

Last year Respond delivered 135 new social homes and we have recently significantly ramped up our ambitions for social home delivery with 2,918 homes currently in our development pipeline. We know that the long-term solution to the current homelessness crisis is the building of social housing and we aim to play our part. We are committed to providing homes for life for those in housing need. Family Hubs are a short-term solution while we, with our partners, work on the long term solution.”

Posted: November 2017