Minister Coffey welcomes the completion of St John’s College Respond Housing Project


   John Halligan TD, Ciara Conway TD, Ned Brennan CEO Respond and Minister Paudie Coffey.

Fine Gael Waterford Minister Paudie Coffey who has special responsibility for Housing has welcomed the completion of Respond’s new housing project St John’s College in Waterford City.  Minister Coffey said the total project cost €12 million of which the his Department contributed just over €9 million.

“This project brings 57 news homes for the elderly on stream – the St. Johns College building itself will include twenty-one, self-contained apartments for older persons, and 10 bed Group Home Facility and a supporting Day Centre. There is also thirty-six new-build one-bed apartments on the site parallel to The Folly road, also for older persons.  In total there are 57 Apartments on the site that will greatly assist the housing situation in Waterford City.

CB0Q6560Minister Coffey said “This is a fantastic example of how different agencies have collaborated well in delivering a badly needed service for the people of Waterford.  Respond, a  recognised Approved Housing Body with an excellent track record in the provision of social housing  has delivered this project with the support of Waterford City & County Council  and I am especially delighted that this government and my department has substantially supported the project financially which has made this project a reality and delivered 57 quality homes for Waterford City residents.

As the new homes become occupied over the coming period; it will also create mobility in the housing market and free up housing stock, both public and private, in Waterford City.

“I want to commend Respond for the work they have done in completing this state-of-the-art housing project, in what was a vacant historic building in Waterford City, that has now been brought back into beneficial use and will be used for many generations to come to house our elderly in a supported and caring environment.”

Respond Tour 8