Marquis Drive, Dungarvan, Family Summer Mural Project 2017

Parents and children living in Marquis Drive, Dungarvan recently came together to decorate the internal..

CAroline photos July 2017 015Parents and children living in Marquis Drive, Dungarvan recently came together to decorate the internal walls of the community building with a vibrant mural, the theme of the event celebrated Our Community Marquis Drive.. Children aged 3 to 11 took part in the project, parents attended each session, guiding and mentoring the children.

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The works were overseen CAroline photos July 2017 032by ETB tutor Cora Cummins.

CAroline photos July 2017 005CAroline photos July 2017 078Drawings were inspired by the families’ ideas connecting them to their community. This inspiration came from experiences shared during family learning projects such as fun learning through crafts, inclusion of family and friends, friendships made in the community, working together through participation in family projects including wellness programmes, cookery and pottery.

The drawings from participants were projected onto the walls to create some fantastic colourful fun murals.

The end result was the re-vamping of the community building, which now displays a selection of the murals dedicated to families living in the area and who use the community building.

Acknowledgement and thanks to the ETB Dungarvan for funding this community activity and well done to all the participants for their enthusiasm and creativity.CAroline photos July 2017 075

Posted by Caroline Stewart RSW July 2017