Launch of PQASSO journey by Respond

Respond held a PQASSO information day of all staff on Wednesday 17th October at our..

Respond held a PQASSO information day of all staff on Wednesday 17th October at our offices in High Park, Grace Park Road, Drumcondra.

 width= width=PQASSO (Practical Quality Assurance System for Social Organisations) is a quality standard developed NCVO (National Council for Voluntary Organisations).  Respond is setting out in the path to achieve this standard.

Video of launch can be found here


 width= width=Vincent McCarthy Respond Board of Director’s, Julia Carmichael Head of Compliance, Eric Young Head of HR and experienced PQASSO Mentor Dermot O’Donnell from Disability Federation of Ireland, presented on the day to give staff both an overview and hands-on experience of what PQASSO is about.

 width= width= width=The PQASSO system offers a flexible approach to quality which allows organisations to work at their own pace. It helps organisations take a systematic look at what they do, identify areas where they are doing well and not so well, and decide exactly where improvements are needed. It also helps organisations plan, budget and allocate the resources for making these improvements over a realistic time period

 width= width=PQASSO is a self-assessment tool with 3 incremental levels of organizational maturity recognised by PQASSO (levels 1 to 3) and is defined by a series of management indicators. In order to achieve the PQASSO Quality Standard Respond needs to be compliant in all 11 areas of PQASSO, which may take a number of years.  These areas range from Governance to assessing Impact and will be completed on a risk based approach appropriate to Respond, our Strategy and in consideration of our tenant needs. width=  width=  width=  width=  width=

Posted : October 2018