Intergenerational Group visit Wexford Wildlife Reserve

The Intergenerational Group meet and work together on a specific project each year. This project..

Intergenerational Group day trip to Wexford Wildfowl Reserve Sept 2017The Intergenerational Group meet and work together on a specific project each year. This project is run on a yearly basis in cooperation with Respond St Brigid’s and Manor Youth Centre.

This year, the group are hoping to work on a Family Tree Project.  This Project will see the group work with Paul Brent ( tutor ) over the coming weeks.

The  group meet once a week for two hours where we talk about times past and present. The main objective of the Intergenerational Group is to build relationships, understanding and respect between older adults and young children.

In previous year some of the groups activities included karaoke, bingo and ‘Museum for the Day’ which is an activity where the older adults bring in items from the past and the children have to guess what the items were used for.

In September 2017 the group travelled to Wexford Wildfowl Reserve where a great day was had by all

Posted by Eleanor Gaffney September 2017