Hospice Coffee Morning Fundraising – Waterford

A coffee morning was held recently in our Respond head office located at Airmount, Dominick..

image-17c4d9d99720cd2c14ca3a0c1df6c2caa944ae93d8c20369568798db274a8a5b-V...A coffee morning was held recently in our Respond head office located at Airmount, Dominick Place, Waterford in aid of Waterford Hospice.

image-bc447bdda0a0c826a3702e4d100f63950f8aa9fff7b66ba2f023d9b322b51dbf-V...Waterford Hospice Movement was established in 1988 as a not-for-profit organisation to provide “Palliative Care” services for patients with life threatening illnesses in their own homes and in nursing homes throughout Waterford City, County and South Kilkenny (covering a population of 120,000 people). They supply specialised equipment for pain control and comfort as well as psychological and social support for the patients and their families.




The majority of the patients using the service suffer from cancer, but they also care for patients with other life threatening illnesses.

The current annual costs to provide their services is approximately €588,000. Most of this amount (63%) has to be raised through donations, local image-d0b15d19466bea44217fe517decee8297a58160fa2680b799521e3b3147d86ce-V...fundraising (Sunflower Day, coffee mornings etc) and funds raised on their behalf by individuals. The Health Service Executive (HSE) provides approximately 37% of the remaining funding required at present. All care is provided free of charge, irrespective of income.

The event was very enjoyable and raised much needed funds for a very worthy cause. Well done to all staff who brought in the treats and/or contributed.





Posted: September 2015 by Fiona Egan