Happy Easter


We want to wish all our tenants, services users, partners and supporters a safe, healthy and Happy Easter.

We are so proud of our frontline staff who continue to do all they can to support and work with our tenants and service users during this time of COVID 19. Our homeless services, family support services, tenant relations work and refugee resettlement services remain operational.

So much great work is happening in our teams around the country who are coming together with our partners to address to this crisis. We have read and deeply appreciate the letters and phone calls of thanks that are coming in to us. We would also like to publicly acknowledge support and co-operation we have received to continue in our work.

Please continue to call our Customer Service Centre for any assistance you may require.

Respond will be joining the Government Shine Your Light initiative on Easter Saturday, 11th April, asking everyone to shine a light for all who are sick, for frontline workers and anyone affected by Covid-19.