“Give my Head Peace” – Well Being Seminar, Dundalk

The North Dundalk Family Support Hub is a community based Family Support initiative funded by..

The North Dundalk Family Support Hub is a community based Family Support initiative funded by the HSE and delivered by Respond Housing Association.

This Family Support hub is an impressive response from community leaders who are very active within their own area; volunteering their talents and skills to enhance family life in North Dundalk. The group consists of youth workers, sports leaders and active community volunteers. One of the groups main aims is to try and enhance people’s lives by creating a positive approach to Family Life.  Body health programmes are planned throughout the year with training in the Incredible Years Programme and other wellbeing training, healthy diet and positive parent programmes scheduled on an on-going bases.

The North Dundalk Family Support Hub held a wellbeing seminar entitled: “Give my Head Peace” on Wednesday 24th of April in the Redeemer Resource Centre, Cox’s Demesne.

This wellbeing event was attended by approximately 200 people, from across the community. Speakers included Mr John Lonergan former governor of Mountjoy Prison and a selection of local speakers who talked about positive life solutions in the area of Mental Health, Wellbeing & the importance of Community.

Michelle Watkins and Stephen Fisher, volunteers who helped launch the Family Hub, opened the seminar with insightful talks on what the hub is all about. To view speeches click on Shelly’s speech and Stephens speech.

Conor Kerley a practicing dietician and PhD researcher in nutrition spoke about benefits of healthy eating and exercise and how they benefit personal wellbeing.

Emer Dolphin, a community development worker and spokesperson for AWARE gave a personal testimony of her own experience of recognising and dealing with her bouts of depressive episodes. She touched the hearts of many. People who attended valued her advice as she de-stigmatised depression by her open and honest approach to an often hidden issue.

Michael Murphy and Matt Talbot counselling and education service, spoke about how addictions affect families but how there is hope when people address their issues and deal with the chaos addictions create across the family network.

The morning was full of useful tips and inspirational stories from local people creating local solutions for our community. The day also provided access to attendees to a number of advice and information stalls from local community and statutory organisations.

Feedback from the event has been hugely positive with attendees stating they felt more informed and genuinely walked away from the seminar, with an increased sense of wellbeing.

The North Dundalk Family Support Hub would like to thank all who made the day a great success.

Well done to one and all.