Finalist of Better Together Video Competition 2013

 width=Cuan Alainn were delighted to have been finalists for the Better Together Awards and a huge thank you to all who voted. Congratulations to GMIT: Ability West the overall winner in our category.

Nationwide will be broadcasting a segment of these Awards, currently scheduled to be aired 12th February 2014


Voting has opened in earnest for 2013 Better Together Video Competition. Respond has entered a short video about Cuan Alainn.

Cuan Alainn is a refuge for women and children who have experienced or are at risk of domestic violence. Cuan Alainn provides second stage accommodation and support for nine families or individuals at any one time.

Respond believe this is an opportunity to publicise and promote this very special project and have therefore entered this excellent services into the ‘2013 Better Together’ video campaign.  Please see the video yourself by clicking on the link:

If you like what you see please VOTE FOR CUAN ALAINN in support of this very worthy project.

If possible, please vote once a day, every day up until 22 November.

Please view vote and share our entry on Facebook, Twitter, e-mail, texting, talking, singing……….


Key Dates for Your Diary
22 November: Voting closes (judging to follow)
12 December: Better Together Awards (winners announced!)

Only the 30 videos with the most votes will be shortlisted, so please VOTE