Excellent Literacy Project held at Oakley Wood, Tullow

the year which supports parents as primary educators of their children.  Parents are also supported..

 width=Respond Housing Association in conjunction with the Area School Completion Programme ran a two day literacy project in August 2014 in Oakley Wood Tullow.

This was a taster programme to encourage participation in our new Doodle Den After-School Project for senior infant children.  The programme included activities such as:

  • Floor Jigsaw Puzzles
  • Jolly Phonics
  • Magnetic letters and numbering arrangement
  • Writing Skills
  • Letter and Number printing
  • Literacy & Reading
  • Whiteboards / Matching Game

Children from Respond Tullow estates Oakley Wood and Slaney View Drive and children from the local schools will be offered places on this programme starting in October 2014. For further details on the Doodle Den Programme see link www.twcdi.ie/doodleden.

As part of this programme parents must engage in six parenting sessions throughout  width=the year which supports parents as primary educators of their children.  Parents are also supported to encourage literacy development within the home environment.  It also supports parents with their own literacy needs.

The post of this event coincides with National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA) Adult Literacy Awareness Week which runs from Monday 22 to Friday 26 September whose theme of awareness week this year is ‘Sometimes it’s the little things in life that can become the biggest problem’. This week that aims to promote local literacy services and raise awareness of the benefits of improving reading, writing and maths skills.

The Doodle Den is an excellent evidence based programme with huge benefits to a child’s and parents overall literacy skills and we look forward to working with families on Respond estates and in the Tullow area to achieve these outcomes for all participants.

Posted:  September 2014