This year Ireland will make a little bit of history by implementing a postcode system called Eircode.
Eircode is the new postcode system being introduced by the Department of Communications Energy and Natural Resources.
You may hear and see reports and advertisements on television, radio and in the papers about it over the coming days. You’ll also get a letter to your own home in the next few weeks with the Eircode for your address and advice on how you can use it. If you don’t want to wait, you can get further information and look up the Eircode for any address using the Eircode Finder tool online at
Ireland is one of the few countries in the world, and the only EU country, that does not have a postal code system. The introduction of this National Postcode System, known as “Eircode”, is taking place July/August 2015. During the launch phase, all residential and business addresses will receive a letter notifying them of the Eircode for their address. Addresses will not change, an Eircode will simply be added to the end of a current addresses.
Each code is comprised of seven characters that are unique to each mailing address the seven characters are divided into two parts – a Routing Key and a Unique Identifier.
Over 35% of Irish addresses share their address with at least one other property, making it difficult for those delivering goods and services to accurately identify the location of an address. Eircode has been designed specifically to overcome this problem.
When you receive this letter by post with your unique postcode please retain the details and ensure it is kept in a safe place so it can be referred to easily when you need it.