DIT’s 4th annual Regeneration Conference

Respond Brid McGrath Head of Social Policy, took part in the regeneration conference on 9th December..

Respond Brid McGrath Head of Social Policy, took part in the regeneration conference on 9th December at DIT speaking about the need to plan for truly integrated and inclusive communities as we increase our housing supply to deal with the homelessness crisis.


The one day conference addressed the theme of “Adapting to new realities: Human settlement in  an uncertain climate”. Speakers from Rotterdam, Belfast, Galway and Dublin discussed housing affordability; upgrading existing buildings in cooperation with communities, as well as tackling the global challenge of climate change by making greater use of our existing urban areas for new uses.

The eventwas organised by Dr. Deiric Ó Bróin and Ciarán Cuffe from DIT’s School of Transport Engineering, Environment and Planning and was well attended by local government staff, academics, architects and students.

Speakers included:

  • Gert Jan te Velde, Vanschagen Architects, Rotterdam -the existing city as a challenge
  • Deirdre Scully, Senior Planner, Dublin City Council -new life and employment for the Poolbeg peninsula
  • Philip Lawton, Lecturer in Geography, NUI Galway -urban public space and creativity
  • Patrick Lydon, Director, Camphill Communities of Ireland -rethinking communities for people with special needs
  • Brid McGrath, Head of Social Policy, Respond -creating vibrant, socially integrated communities
  • Clare McKeown, Sustainability Manager,  Belfast City Council -reimagining cities for resilience

Posted: December 2016