Respond Housing Association, Tramore Education and Training Board and Waterford Hullabuloo came together last summer to put on a fantastic Family Learning Programme for Respond residents and the people of Tramore. The families involved in the family learning programme engaged in arts and crafts activities, over the months of July and August, located in the Respond Community building in Beechmount and all activities had a focus on family literacy. The encouragement of family learning is based on the principle that awareness of opportunities for learning in everyday home and community activities raises confidence in families and contributes to literacy and numeracy development.
To celebrate this programme’s success families were treated to a treasure hunt afternoon in Annestown followed by a bbq on the beach. The group are grateful to Tramore Garda station and John Mc Donald for providing the Garda Bus and driver for the day.
Niamh Flavin, family resource worker with Respond stated that;
“Respond were delighted to work in partnership with Tramore Education and Training Board and would like to thank them for provided the funding for this programme. We would also like to thank Caroline Hennessey and Noeleen Power from Waterford Hullabuloo who through their creativity encouraged families to see literacy as something that is all around us”
Recently the families who engaged in this programme, gathered to look back on the success of the programme. A slideshow and pieces of work which were created during the programme were shown and culinary delights were enjoyed by all. This gathering helped families evaluate the outcomes of the programme and look forward to other possibilities for the future.
Anyone interested in learning more about these programmes or Adult Education courses please contact Emma Tobin (051) 393794 Tramore Education and Training Board. Respond Housing Association also provide many support services in the Tramore area. For further details contact Niamh Flavin (087) 9161369.