Coffee Morning held at Johns College for all new residents

On Thursday 10th March, Respond held their first coffee morning for residents and anchor tenants..

DSCN3156On Thursday 10th March, Respond held their first coffee morning for residents and anchor tenants of the building including the Waterford Branch of Down Syndrome Ireland. Also in attendance was David Leonard, Ardkeen Branch Manager of Permanent TSB who was there to present a cheque to Respond to develop essential services for the tenants in Johns College.

TSB cheque presentationDuring his speech David was very complimentary in his remarks about Johns College and stated that:

“The team in Permanent TSB Waterford are delighted to support Respond and their important work in the community, providing essential services for the most vulnerable in our society”.

DSCN3161DSCN3159DSCN3169The development includes 21 new apartments in the College itself, with a 10-bed group home and 36 new-build one-bed apartments adjoining the Folly. Respond also plans to open up a number of essential support services within Johns College including a Day Centre, Community Education Centre, Activation Room, Counselling Service and a Sensory Garden for Older People and people with specific needs and requirements.

DSI and Respond

Tom Power of Respond & John Upton of DSI Waterford with the lease for offices located at John’s College

Posted:  March 2016